Here, you’ll find examples of our Dark & Moody signature editing style that adds drama and a feel of romance to images
With Bushel + Peck Photo, we believe that wedding photography should be more than just pretty pictures. It should be a reflection of your personalities, your love story, and the raw emotions of your wedding day. Our dark and moody editing style is designed to evoke feelings of mystery, drama, and romance, creating images that are as unique and memorable as your wedding day itself.
Our editing style is characterized by deep, rich tones, and dramatic contrasts. We often use shadow to create depth and interest, giving your images a cinematic quality that will transport you back to your wedding day every time you look at them.
We also pay close attention to composition, using natural light and careful framing to create images that are both striking and intimate. Whether we’re capturing the first look between the bride and groom or the quiet moments between family and friends, we strive to create images that are both beautiful and emotionally resonant.
In addition to our editing style, we also place a strong emphasis on storytelling. We want your images to tell the story of your wedding day, from the small details to the grand moments. We believe that wedding photography should be about more than just capturing posed portraits. It should be about capturing the moments in between, the stolen glances, the candid laughter, and the tears of joy.
We take a photojournalistic approach to our photography, capturing the natural moments as they unfold and creating a visual narrative of your wedding day. We’re always happy to work with our clients to create a custom editing style that matches their vision, whether it’s dark and moody or something entirely different.
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